Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Thanks To You Droppers

Ive been seeing posts about TOP Droppers since I became active in this baby blog. I wasn't aware about it and its importance at first and added to that, I wasn't much of a dropper , Sometimes when I visit your site, I don't bother to scroll down and look for your drop badge..not until lately of course. In short, i only figured it out just lately. Well I did displayed my top droppers' badges on my side bar ( w/o acknowledging them that they were my top droppers .)

Summing up my first day of September, I would like to formally acknowledge my kawaii baby's blog's TOP TEN EC Droppers for the month of AUGUST. This is my first time to extend my APPRECIATION so Im listing them here with do-follow linky love with their badges.


Create your own banner at mybannermaker.com! Powered by BannerFans.com

sweet nothings Tinypic

Needless to say, the top dropper is always featured in my sidebar (without letting you know ) This time, the site's badge occupies the toppest slot of my Random Sites (and now you know ).

Thanks ate LULU

I also thought to add the entrecard top dropper widget so to give something back to my some fellow Entrecard members who dropped by on my baby's blog. So guys, continue dropping by here


(edited: coz i think my ec refreshes every 3rd day of the month..)

1 comment:

  1. yehey i am on top! you're welcome mami bams... i always like to read Anzu's updates... you know na nanay din ako so exciting kapag there's new development with our little ones
