Friday, January 30, 2009

First Smile

mommy moments

This is my first entry for Mommy Moments. The theme for this week is "First Smile of Your Baby". Just like the other hot mommies online who happened to know about this sharing-thing, I'm excited to post my lil pretty and yummy girl Azumi's first smile photo .

When I was browsing her first month pictures, I can't believe how fast the time is, and how big she has become. From 3,080 grams to 7 kilos in less than 4 months .

I got teary eyed when I was looking at her photos of her first month. She was just so tiny then. She used to sleep on my thin pillow but now, she's not comfortable anymore coz she's big. I miss her lil tiny voice...

Oh well... Back to the theme, newborn babies tend to smile alot especially when they are sleeping. Anzu smiles alot even when she was a day old. My camera was always besides me, waiting for her to smile. This pic is one of my favorites.

She was 7 days old.

This is just one of the many pics of our lovey-lovey bonding time with her

and this is the ever first real smile I captured when she was 1 month & 7 days (11/15)

To all mommies online out there, join this sharing every friday. For more infos, click HERE

Can I post more?

when she turned 3 months (01/08/09)

Mata ne... Oyasumi


  1. you have a beautiful daughter. your post makes me remember my mom moments when i had my daughter.

    have a great weekend.

    Mommy's Little Corner
    A Simple Life
    Moms... Check Nyo

  2. Baby Azumi you are so adorable more when smiling ... I want you to know that we have the same birthday. I will watch you grow by regularly visiting your blog. Take care always.

  3. welcome to mommy moments! :)

    You have a very lovely daughter!

  4. awww she's so cute!

    thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. hope you're having a great weekend.

  5. Welcome to mommy moment! Such a darling little girl! The third picture's my favorite. :)

  6. Oh she's so cute. You're so right baby grows so fast.

  7. precious smiles. thanks for visiting my blog. see you more for mommy moments :)

  8. OMG! She is so lovely! What a happy looking baby you got! Look at those pretty smiles!

    Welcome to Mommy Moments!

    My post is here

  9. so cute ng smile tlga ni anzu :D eheheh ...


  10. beautiful.. beautiful.. beautiful.. doing my late rounds for mommy moments.. my entry is here

  11. may rin pala bday 23 ako. 3 relatives ko ang kasabay ko magbday....ikaw anong date? :)

  12. thats a very cute and seems to be always smiling kid who never get tears n never create problems for parents.....;)
