Monday, September 27, 2010

Gearing up for something

WOW I glanced upon my archives and I realized I haven't been really posting a decent update (again?) about our little Azumi who's turning 2 next month. Aww we're all excited as we are gearing up for the celebration of this big milestone. This is what keeps me busy (and insane) since August.

So far so good though. I'm always online.. I'm always on chat.. I'm always on the phone.
All these are because of my kiddie party preparations. I can't believe how kiddie parties nowadays have turned into full productions. Oh well, I wish I can have time to rant about that on Anzu's mini blog where I can freely write my thoughts. This blog is GP by the way haha...

Seriously, it will be a (nother) slow blogging for me til next month. I guess I have to break it out --

we're going home to Philippines!!!!

Whew.. I said it.. I've been keeping it to everyone until we're sure.. Well I guess finally we are. I hope and pray that this time, nothing could hinder us from coming home.

So, what have been up aside from my preps?

Sharing some happenings last August...

Day 210 of 2010's

Anzu and her super kulit and yet cutie cousin Ryukun had a private pool party at our house..

Lil Panda and Lil Froggie

Day 222 of 2010's

inside the car, while waiting for Honey...

family picture using the tripod given by my sissy...

Day 223 of 2010's

My pre-birthday surprise to my Honeyb.. too bad, Anzu fell asleep because I had to wait for 12am to blow this surprise..

Day 224 of 2010's

Visiting my late stepfather's grave

Another surprise for my Honey... private room dinner :)
Day 234 of 2010's
A day at Sagamiko Lake

I'd like to thank Ate Rose for the advance love present she sent to Azumi a couple of weeks ago...

Thank you much Ate Rose, with so much love from the Takeshita

Thank you all also for your patience. I really hope to be back on my normal blogging routine soon. I'll update you once my project is 80% finished because you're all invited hehe..

Friday, September 17, 2010

Azumi's Grandparents

IT's been awhile. It's nice to be back on track. I don't wanna make excuses but one thing is for sure, I'm pretty much pre-occupying myself with something very important us --real content about it coming soon.

Anyway, I didn't realized that last week was Grandparent's Day. My bad! I should've planned something for Azumi's grandparents-- well there's always next time. Besides, we always spend some quality time together, no matter how busy our lives may get.

Azumi is truly blessed to have all her grandparents. They are all awesome and they love Azumi so much. Having different personalities, interests, and lifestyles could be actually fun and interesting.

Anzu calls her grandmother "Baba" while she calls her grandfather "Jiji". She gets to hang out with them almost every week. Her Baba always gives something for her --clothes, foods, toys-- generally shop for her. She's a cool grand mom. On the other hand, Jiji plays with her. Sometimes he gives her money. He cooks delicious dishes for us whenever we visit them. He's a retired chef of one of the five star hotels here in Tokyo. Anzu definitely enjoys being with them because she's being spoiled.

Azumi with Jiji and Baba in Umihotaru on our Chiba Getaway

Here's Azumi with my loving mom. She calls her Mamu. We get to see her almost everyday because we are neighbors :) Anzu gets excited whenever Mamu comes to our house. She adores her. I'm thankful because my mom is living nearby. I can call or talk to her anytime. I feel secured.

Anzu is also blessed to have a great grandmother,whom we all call Okasan. She adores Azumi so much eventhough they're not actually related by blood. She's my mom's Mother in Law. There are so much good things to share about her...

I can't wait for next month because Azumi will be going to see her loving, cool, and handsome Lolo for the first time. We're all anticipating for that first meeting. We're all excited. I've been praying for this to finally happen. I'm hopeful.RELOAD.gif image by bams704

Hubby and I are very thankful for how much these people have helped us figure out parenthood. Althou we pretend to have it all figured out lol. Honestly, we are learning so much from them.

Grandparents make life easier.

Related post: the grannies, Okasan,

Sharing this to ... join us and share yours
mommy moments

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Mind of A Toddler

This is one of my long overdue posts.

Anzu was 18 months when she can already identify most of the alphabets and can count 1-10. Aside from me and her dad, I think her Brainy Babies DVD set has also helped her to learn.

Aside from ABC, she can also recognize colors, shapes, and illustrations.

Anyway sharing my recent uploads which actually taken 2 months ago

Anzy recognizing her flash cards

Singing ABC

I love to think that she is a child prodigy but it's normal in her age to recognize things such as ABC, colors, number, animal, etc.

All kids are different and will learn at their own rate. Don't worry if your child couldn't sit long enough and doesn't seem to show any interest, that is also normal. Just keep on working on it in a fun way and one day he will just get into. It's not just about learning but spending many loving and happy moments with your child.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Ber Month ★ Linky Love

I can’t believe it! Its BER month already! In a few winks, it will be October. Aww my little baby will officially not be a baby anymore because she's turning two. And officially, I am gearing up for the big 2nd birthday.

Forgive me for not posting more than I should. I feel gulty coz I couldn't even visit my blogger friends more often than I used to.. don't get tired of me ok.... I'm seriously preparing something big for my daughter --details are yet to unfold lol

Summing up the 2nd afternoon day of September, I'd like to thank you visiting this page. I also want to acknowledge this page's Top 10 EC droppers and commenters by listing them with a linky love. I know most of them are not really after the link, but this is just my little way of showing my appreciation.

THANK YOU Commentators and EC DROPPERS

Top Commenters for August
(blogger profiles with multiple Linky LOVE 2heartsicon.gif image by bams704 )

  1. Arvin U. de la Peña (8) creambunny_crown.gif image by bams704 ...Feelings...
  2. Mama Ko (7) creambunny_crown.gif image by bams704 Milestones, Worth's ROad
  3. Mel Alarilla (7) creambunny_crown.gif image by bams704 World United Bloggers, Points of View, Literatti -An Artistic Blog, How's Your Blog, Random Thoughts, K.I.S.S.- Keep It Short and Simple, Reflections - A Christian Blog, Komentaryo (Filipino Blog)
  4. Clarissa (7) creambunny_crown.gif image by bams704 Kizuna
  5. ♥peachkins♥ (5) creambunny_crown.gif image by bams704 Peach and Things, Blowing Peach Kisses,
  6. Mrs. Kolca (5) creambunny_crown.gif image by bams704 UTOTMOPINK, Living the Turkish Life, Pink Magaline
  7. Mylene (5)
  8. *♥Shydub♥* (4) creambunny_crown.gif image by bams704 Simple Happy Life
  9. Russ (Grampy's World) (4)
  10. Yami (3)
Top EC droppers for July
: Living and Wellness
: Living and Wellness

: This site is all about life's Living and Wellness. Appreciate and learn all about the wonderful things and everyday greatness and let this be an inspiration for a meaningful life.

Needless to say, the top dropper is always featured in my sidebar