Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Happy New Year

This time it is me whom will gonna send you a warm greeting from Azumi ★ My Lil Princess' Story

I hope you have your loveones nearby to celebrate and welcome the year 2010 =) 

Cheers to a Happy and Blessed New Year!
Another chance for us to get everything right.

Be thankful and be reminded of the blessings we had for the year.   

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Moment

Merry Merry Christmas.. Well its still Christmas Holidays til the end of December.

I hope you were able to spend time with your family and friends. Anzu and I together with my Mom went to a Christmas Party on the 23rd. We had an awesome and peaceful celebration during the Christmas Eve. And went to an Illumination Park on the Christmas Day.

Well, seriously, I think this has been the busiest Christmas I've ever had. We had a real tiring Christmas Shopping Rush and yet so lucky we got our xmas decors for 50% off. Hubby have to work so I did all the chores, from cleaning ( while Azumi kept on cluttering at times ) to eradicating all the clutters (which i havent finished yet but I have to be done before new year ), and christmas decorating. SO tiring and yet I had fun. Of course there's still something to look forward inspite of our cancelled homecoming. This would gonna be the first Christmas where Azumi would actually be able to enjoy Christmas with her cousin and family around. She was still 2 months old when we had our first Christmas

Sure Anzu had so much fun with her equally hyper cousin Ryukun.. I can't even take a decent photos of them because they were running around and shouting.

Take a peek and enjoy our simple Celebration.

Just to let you know, Ill be back to my normal blogging and bloghopping routine after New Year.. the clutters are still waiting for me to declutter them off.

Regardless, I hope you all are enjoying this holiday season and finding lots of time to slow down, relax and sit back with your dear loveones ! New Year will be on its way this week.

Be reminded of the many blessings in your life. Well, I have... I have much things to be thankful for !

mommy moments

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Greetings

My lil dolly Azumi wants to greet you a Merry Merry Christmas

I'm sure you're all busy with your christmas preps, shopping rush et al...ENJOY and Have Fun with your loveones..

Some may be alone for Christmas because of unavoidable circumstances like work or whatever ...  hey CHEER UP! There's so much good things ahead for you next year, that's fosure!

I wish you not only a Merry Christmas but also a fruitful and blessed life all throughout the year

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Favorite Moments (updated)

mommy moments


I think my TOP 3 Mommy Moments entries are the ff:

Treasured Photos
I love this the most because it made me almost cry when I was making this entry. Looking at our (not so) old photos have indeed brought up good memories.

Let's Pretend
I always dream of having my own studio with lots of hi-end professional camera and kits tha's why I enjoy setting up a plot and take lots of photos of my lil girl. She was a cooperative baby model then but now, she avoids looking at my camera lol

Preggy Days
Being pregnant was the most fulfilling thing that ever happened in my entire life. I felt more beautiful, important and loved.

ANyway I would like to share some of our lovely moments with our lil bundle of joy

Mommy Moments (fooling around with my webcam)

Silly Moments
( i missed this entry that's why im posting it now )

of course, Daddy Moments (he shouldn't be left out lol)

more great moments here here

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Home Sweet

There's no better place like home. 

Our (my) second home is here in Tokyo Japan, where we are currently living a simple and happy family life. As of now, it is our main home. We will live here til our kids grow and can live on their own. We have plans of settling in the Philippines in the future but for now, we're happy and contented of going back home to PI atleast once or twice a year. Next year would be a good start for our lil girl because our planned visit to our dear country this month has been cancelled for some reasons.

We're really looking forward for Azumi's first meeting with the whole family on March. That is for sure. I really miss family and everything about the Philippines

Anyway, sharing some photos of our lil girl at her other favorite part of the house (aside from the kitchen), our front yard.

loves playing (and cluttering) the rocks

Her playmate lol, Taniai Obachan, our loving neighbor and landlady

All eyes are on her, she can run na kasi 

With Daddy (7 months Anzu)

 Anzu @ 7 months

More HOME entries here
With Love Wednesday

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Park Garden

How was your weekend? Ours was entirely spent in our home sweet home with the apple of our eyes, who else? Azumi of course... We had a lazy and yet a relaxing saturday considering the cold and crazy weather--a sunny morning shifting to a cloudy afternoon --, and then the next day, it was a cold cloudy Sunday. MIL and Maruchan (her lovely toy poodle) came over to have lunch with us.

Anyway, I just wanna share some photos of the Park Garden Cemetery we went last week. Okasan would always ask my hubby to take her in her late daughter's grave which is an hour way from our home.

We've been there many times and Im always amazed how they religiously maintain the beautiful garden. The graves are always clean, they're just like one of the decors in the garden. There's even a coffee shop in the 2nd floor of the building, with a full view of the beautiful park cemtery. Not a typical japanese cemetery which is usually in an elevated location, beside or behind a big temple.

The Lil Girl escorting her great Granny
( i wish she'd also meet her Great Granny in my Dad's side before she goes back to US, makakauwi pa ba kami this month? )

Baby POSE!!!

Nope its not the way to heaven lol but inside the garden cemetery where Okasan's late daughter's grave is...

Ooopsss, baby not there...

Good girl baby...
No wonder you're the apple of our eyes

"YOSH! Im done.."

After visiting and cleaning Nobuko's grave, we headed over to our reservation and had a yummy yummy lunch with our loveones here in Japan --Honey Hide, Mom, brother Joji, Aunt Hisayo (mom's SIL), Yokun (Aunt Hisayo's son), and Okasan (mom's MIL)-.. I didn't took pictures, not only because I was shy but also we're too busy eating and chatting (and me feeding Anzu at the same time).

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

On her 14th month

Happy 14 months Angela Azumi

Dear Azumi,

How could I forget? Of course I didn't but I almost forgot it was your 14th month day two days ago. Mommy seem kinda confused with dates lately because she's been thinking alot these past few weeks. Nope, it has nothing to do with me and your dad. Well you know how we have been so happier since you came here.

I'm just thinking about our homecoming to the Philippines. Some things are bothering me and that includes the scary Influenza Outbreak. We're still waiting (in vain) for your scheduled Inlfuenza Vaccine. I really wish we can go home this December even for 2 weeks with worry free. We're trying our best to settle some important things first.

Our family, especially your Lolo are all waiting for our final decision (your dad is pressured..), they just can't wait to see the new princess in the family. Nevertheless, your passport is ready just in case.

Anyways... you just keep on growing up aren't you? Can't believed you're 14 months old already... 14 months of wonderful existence and still counting. We're so blessed. I never thought how much fun and satisfying it would be to be your momma, and I’m glad I’m documenting it all down, from countless photo shots, to blogging my thoughts about being a mom to you. I just think this would gonna be a sort of unconventional baby book for you to look back on someday. You would know how much Mommy has made a lot of good friends here which helped her to become a better person in some ways because of their good blogs that I love to read during idle time and their inspiring messages and support. How can I thank them?

It was quite a year of learning --rolling, sitting, clapping, eating, crawling, communicating, standing, walking, — and a lot more things ahead of us. I can’t wait to see what great adventures are in store for us next year!

Happy 14 months Angela Azumi, and still looking forward for more laughs and woderful memories with you.


Dear Friends,

Thank you so much for your time in reading my baby journal. I keep on saying that your messages inspires me so much because they really are. I have been also visiting your blogs and I must admit, they are more inspirational, and I have learned a lot from most of them.

I'm glad I became a blogger. I never thought that you can really make good friends even online. Thanks to all of you and God bless.


can you please send me your home addresses
til sunday? I have christmas/new year cards for you.
Send it here

Im sharing this to
mommy moments

Love Letter for My Baby

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Baby (upcoming) Talents

Im not sure if you can already recognize your baby's talents as early as 12 months or younger but I think this is the best time to encourage your child to explore without overwhelming her. She doesn't need to try everything right now but introducing her to activities she wouldn't otherwise know existed is just great thing to do.

As for our lil girl, oldies around us are encouraging her to be a budding artist. Granny Baba bought her art materials which are designed for babies. Crayons are not made of harmful chemicals so no need to worry if lil ANzu will suck them (for sure she always does before coloring)

Anzu lining up her colors and playing them afterwards

Some of her artworks lol (sketchpad and walls)

Okasan wants her to be musically inclined.
Mini grand piano as an advance christmas present.

Daddy encouraging her to be a budding golfer

while Mommy lets her baby explore around the house... lol

Once your baby starts cruising, she'll discover things you never knew existed. SO let them explore but ensure their safety at the same time by getting down at their level and see what they might grab when standing, cruising, or exploring. Anzu clutters most of the time but lately she somehow learned to put them back in their respective places.

more talented kids here
mommy moments

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

First Kimono

I actually didn't know that babies could also wear Kimonos. I was surprised when Okasan told me months ago that she already have a Kimono for Azumi and she would like Anzu to wear it on New Year. I wondered how would a baby wear a Kimono? If you're not familiar with Japanese Kimonos, it is not simple as the Yukatas. People who wants to wear their kimonos usually have someone else help to put them on. It is not that simple again because that person should be either a Kimono Kitsuke (kimono dressing) Teacher or someone has a know-how in kimonos, from obi, ties, undergarments et al.

I got to experience wearing a real Kimono 2 years ago. It was indeed a great experience because not only I felt like a princess when the Kimono Teacher was putting them on to me, but also everybody in my family in Japan especially Okasan was so happy to see me wearing one of her daughter's Kimono which was never worned. She gave this to me as a graduation present ( I wore that Kimono on our graduation ceremony...). ---wish I could share more but we're talking about Azumi's kimono here lol
Anyway, the other day, Azumi was fitting her first Kimono. It wasn't like I imagined. It's easier to put on, no need to be assisted by a teacher. No obis, undergarments, etc. Designed for toddlers.

Here Anzu while fitting her first kimono with Taniai Obachan, our neighbor who lives in front of our house and happens to be our Landlady, and Okasan, the loving mother in law of my mom.

The Little Geisha

I have plans of going home to PI this month (still tentative) but I guess we're definitely celebrating our New Year here. My Parents' In Law has been planning a shogatsu celebration in our house.. Okasan including my neighbors are expecting Azumi wearing her kimono... My mom will be sad if we're not here on Christmas and New year... SO WE are compromised lol ( i miss Philippines' New Year)

It's almost Christmas and soon will be a whole New Year. SO MANY THINGS TO BE THANKFUL FOR. One of these is being surrounded by neighbors who adores Azumi so much. Im so thankful also for Okasan. We're not really related in blood but she treats me like her own granddaughter, Azumi as her own greatgrandchild, and my hubby as like his son. If only my stepfather is still alive, I am so sure Azumi will also be the apple of his eye. It's just so sad sometimes to think that he never saw me and my mom being accepted by his whole family.

TAGS: kimono, baby kimono, new year, shougatsu, thankful, first kimono