Friday, April 24, 2009

Daddy Moment

I remember 3 years ago, when we were still dating, he once sang the song Isnt SHe Lovely and told me that he would gonna play that song to his future daughter. After I gave birth to our lil girl, he actually played that song when he went home alone and amazingly realized that it really says everything about how he felt the very first minute he saw and held her.

I could not ask for anything more about my hubby Hide being a good father to our lil Azumi. Im loving him more everyday...

I'm sure every moms (like me) feel overjoyed when our husbands take time off to have a bonding time with our kids, especially when we see them having a good time even we're not around.

Why don't you share your Mommy Stories with us... JOin us here. We'd love to read yours... ニコ(*^_^*)ニコ

Monday, April 20, 2009

I'm Yours [anz' music vid]

It's been awhile since the last time I made a music video of my baby . My dad was asking me to send them another DVD of Anzu... and when I checked my external HD, I havent done anything

SO here, I made a MTV of ANzu's 5th month random photos... Watch and enjoy the music

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Mommy Moments: Sentimental Moments

This scenario was one of the days when my baby wakes up in the middle of the night for breastfeeding and falls asleep in my chest while I burp her. Actually, this was our usual sleeping position coz she loves it, she would have a good sleep when I lay her on my chest. I miss this... She falls asleep on her own already when she's almost 4 months. She doesnt want to sleep on my chest anymore ゚・。(。/□\。)。・゚ウワーーーン!!!! huhuh....

This one is my favorite shot with our lil dolly Anzu. I love this because of her smile, pure and ----i don't know what the word-- but this seems to be priceless =)
L□∨Ε...φ( ̄▽ ̄*)ポッ I also used this as my header in my Multiply page.

Our photo on her 6th month. Hubby went to Okinawa the next day for business trip (ノ_・、) グスングスン It was just the 2 of us for 5 days although Mom who lives nearby visited us to check.

Why don't you share your Mommy Stories with us... JOin us here. We'd love to read yours... ニコ(*^_^*)ニコ

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Happy Feeding [video blog]

It's always a happy atmosphere whenever we feed our lil dolly princess especially now that She has learned how to swallow her paste-like foods. We began to introduce an another kind of feeding, aside from milk when she turned 5 months. We started with mashed apple, banana, and carrots. Followed by Veggies and yogurt. I give her Osenbe (baby crackers) during late afternoons as her Merienda, rich in Nutrients and calcium.

I wanna share a clip of one of our feeding moments. Taken during her most active time, morning ワーイ。(⌒∇⌒。)三(。⌒∇⌒)。ワーイ

WATCH please

Feeding her with solid foods has become one of our bonding moments. Her Dad usually feeds her every morning, but sometimes I do it myself just like today ヾ(〃^∇^)ノわぁい♪

マタネッ(^ー^)ノ~~ Jya mata ne! **hugs**

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Mommy First Baby Bath

Yipee.. I did it. We had our first baby bath together, without her Daddy's support (^○^)/ ヤッホ It was my first time ever to take our baby bath alone. Usually, Me and HUbby do it together. He prepares the bathroom, make it warmer, her tub, while I prepare the make up room, her clothes. Then during bath time, Im in charge with soapings and washing, and hubby is the holding one her when rinsing. He covers her ears with his big hands. BUt lately, it just doesnt fit coz our baby has grown a lil bigger (⌒∇⌒)ノフリフリ

OH well, I have to do it alone coz her Dad went to Okinawa last Thursday, not for leisure but has something to do with his future business. He'll be home tonight (^—^) ニコリ Geesh, we missed him. It's so much different when her Daddy is around. It was just the two of us for five days. But of course, my mom who lives a block away came here once and had dinner with us. My Mom's MIL, whom we call Okasan, who also lives nearby, calls me once in awhile to check which I really appreciate. She's like a real grandma to me, and also a great grandma to Anzu. Too bad, she's having a hard time to walk due to backpains (>_<). She loves walking. She usually stops by to our place with her toy poodle dog whenever they have a walk. I go to her house whenever I can to visit and help on her chores at the same time. She's old but happy. I could learn alot from her, how to be a good mom and wife in the japanese way... hmm Maybe we could talk about more of her and those things next time ( ´^ー^`)ニヤァリ

Look at that gummy grinny smile ヾ(@^▽^@)ノ わはは. As you can see, she loves water. She enjoys splashing and shouting in her lil bath tub. The warm weather is always a big help. I think I couldn't do it if it's cold...

For mom-to-be s, goodluck. It could be fun and a great bonding time ヾ(@⌒▽⌒@)ノワーイ!

Maybe it's easier to handle babies over 6 months because they are not as delicate as the newborn babies. They know how to enjoy the running water. Makes the nervous Mom calm, and enjoy at the same time.

For Moms, how was your first baby bath with your lovely babies?

☆⌒(*^-゚)ノ~♪see you again♪~ヾ(゚-^*)⌒☆

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Happy 6 Months Baby [+ mommy moments]

Where have the days gone my precious Baby Anzu?
It seems like just yesterday in the delivery room
With one final push you emerged from my womb
I struggle to recall the exact words I said
As they handed you to me, 3,080 grams of perfection

I thanked God and His angels for your gentle protection
Looking at you now, twice as that size
People think you look like your dad,
They just don't know,
you look exactly like me when I was a baby

You've learned how to laugh and babble
You can even now play alone with your hanging toys
Giggles when something amuses you
You learned to roll over and wiggling around
Reaching for every objects near to you

Each day is more beautiful than I could ever have planned
With each sunrise and sunset you grow a little more
I am a witness to a miracle each time I see your face
You will own my heart forever my dearest lil dollie Azumi

Reblog: 4/10/2009

mommy moments

I might as well reblog this entry to add for this week's Mommy Moments: Kids in Costume ('-'*)ヨロシク♪

I love dressing up my dollie baby. She had wore a Pink Hello Kitty costume during 1st Month Day. A Santa Mickey Mouse last Christmas. Red Hello Kitty costume on her 3rd Month Day

And now, An Orange (or POnkan) on her 6th MOnth Day last wednesday, April 8 ♪(゚▽^*)ノ⌒☆

More costume linkies HERE. See yah around **HUGS**
.. U\(●~▽~●)Уイェーイ!

Monday, April 6, 2009

my sassy and smarty babe

After I watched my pretty ol buddy's Baby Klara's clip the other day, I began to test my baby's recognition skills by showing her certain images of an animal and ask her which is which. To my surprise, she could really point the right answer to my question. I didn't expected her to respond so quickly because that was the first time I attempted to ask her which one is this and that.

watch!! it could be entertaining =)

I never thought that babies could actually have high capacity to recognize or learn to read as early as 3 months. Thee are lots of video clips in you tube where you can see babies as early as 7 months are actually reading. It's really amazing.

Let's start encouraging our babies to study. It could be fun as long as you combine patience, love, and being just like a kid at the same time. My hubby and I enjoy teaching while playing with our dollie princess. It's like we are all playmates

It is clear that the best time, and the most natural time, to teach language skills is during infancy. Knowing this, I believe we should not withhold written language from babies and toddlers. Soon, it will be considered quite normal to see a baby reading in the home or on the national news–all the better for them and the society they will one day help to shape. –Dr. Robert C. Titzer

Helpful links:

Memory development in children
Making Your Kids Smarter
Importance of Reading To Baby
Choosing Age Appropriate Baby Toys
Teach Your Baby

Friday, April 3, 2009

Mommy Moments: Special Day

Hello Mommies and dearies (^○^)/ ヤッホー. It's already spring time over here in the land of the rising sun. Geesh, i love the smell of the spring breeze, i missed it.

mommy moments

Thinking about this week's Mommy Moment's Theme, I have alot of "special days of my baby" in mind that I would like to share eversince she came to our life only few months ago. As being a camera whore, and a first time Mummy, every single day, every "first things" she does, every birthday monthsaries, milestones, even her 100th day were absolutely documented. Coz for me, those are special days. Eversince she was born, I already stopped being the subject of a photo and started being the photographer. I just love capturing her photos and clips. Maybe because, I didn't have much photos of myself when I was a baby.

Anyhow, I'd rather share these photos which were taken on November 8, 2008 when we celebrated her First Month. I think it was the most special (atleast for me) because it was our very first time to celebrate something special about our baby. That was also the time that I so strongly felt the extreme overjoy of having a family to love and take care for the rest of my life.

Gotta check out for more mommy moments links HERE. ★(*^▽゚)v Thanks!!★彡

see you again!(*^-')/~☆Bye-Bye♪

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Spring + Ryukun

Hello! GENKI DESUKA? Kamusta? (^Q^)/゛ ヒサシブリ!
It's already spring season over here in Tokyo, my all time favorite season. Although I still can'T feel the lil warm wind of spring yet and, and this coming days will be cold o(●´ω`●)oわくわく♪ . The famous cherry blossoms has blossomed in some parts of Japan, the southern part in particular. Can't wait to take our baby to the park surrounded with cherry blossoms tree. My hubby and I used to drive over to different parks,and have picnic under the those beautiful trees when we were still dating ★'.・.LOVE~(^▽^(^▽^*)~LOVE.・.・:☆ .

Well anywhoo, the other day, my pretty cousin Kristal visited us with her cutie lil boy Ryukun, that makes him my lil dollie's cousin. Her boy never fails to make us laugh, as always. He's such an adorable and a baby comedian.(⌒▽⌒)ノ_彡☆バンバン! WATCH!

some clips i took

In few months from now (atleast not more than a year), we'll gonna see our kids running around, playing with each other, making noises.... ┗(`ー´)┓┏(`ー´)┛

I can't wait for them to also meet our huge number of family back home (in the Philippines). It will be fun.

Jya mata ne (until next)bye bye